One of the most effective cost saving steps to fuel quality management (FQM) is the regular use of a fuel biocide. But what if I have never or rarely used a biocide? And what if I have never or rarely had my tank cleaned? Then you probably have a buildup of particulate contamination and microbial biomass much like the what is shown in the picture above. Over a one year period, a fuel system will accumulate quite a bit of contamination. The contamination includes solids, liquids and living. The solids enter the fuel system primarily through fuel deliveries and fuel system vents. Tanks breathe and continually draw in contaminants. The most common liquid to enter your fuel is water. ALL FUEL CONTAINS some level of WATER. But, how much is too much? Any free water is bad! If water is allowed to accumulate, microbial contamination can become a serious problem. That brings us to the living. Microbes are EVERYWHERE! They are in your fuel and fuel system. Given half a chance, they will multiply and as a result damage your system and destroy your fuel.
So you used a biocide! If this is the first time you have and you have not had any tank clean performed, you will need to consider an additional step. Biocides are great for killing microbes. However, once dead they leave behind biofilms, slimy residues and acidic enzymes. Fuel polishing or tank cleaning is usually necessary for a more lasting result. Clean the fuel and tank then put into place a plan that includes FQM. Hammonds Fuel Additives has created a simple program to follow that will ensure the best results. The Biobor FQM program called Test, Treat, Protect is a pathway to cost savings and proper fuel system maintenance. Best part about it, Hammonds is the only biocide manufacturer that offers infield consulting and training. Call us for help. We can show you the way to real system protection!

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